Shared E-Scooters: paving the road ahead

  • Soort:Onderzoeksrapporten
  • Author:Joanna Gubman, Alexander Jung, Thomas Kiel en Jan Strehmann (Agora Verkehrswende)
  • Uitgever:Agora Verkehrswende
  • Datum:20-12-2019
With the passage of the Small Electric Vehicles Act (eKFV), e-scooters were declared street-legal in Germany as of 15 June 2019.


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  • Particularly in light of the sometimes rocky rollout of dockless shared bicycles in the past,3 this rapid expansion has prompted a number of questions on the part of cities and towns: What are the impacts of e-scooters on the environment, the climate, and transportation systems? How can e-scooters be operated in a manner that supports the needs of the municipality and its residents, or at least does not have negative impacts? And what are appropriate mechanisms to regulate e-scooters?

    To aid in answering these questions, this report provides a synthesis of the first, primarily international, experiences with shared e-scooters, describes the opportunities and challenges they bring with them, and offers
    recommendations for e-scooter planning and regulation in cities and towns both in Germany and beyond.


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Shared E-Scooters: paving the road ahead

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