Tour de Force (English)

2nd stage

At the start of Tour de Force we have formulated a concrete ambition: a 20 per cent increase in kilometres cycled in 2027. Much has already been achieved in the 1st stage. We are on track, but the finishing line is not yet in sight. Therefore, Tour de Force has now entered the 2nd stage. We want to use the current positive focus on cycling to put into practice the project ‘Scale up Cycling’, to create more space for the bicycle as an obvious, attractive and safe mode of transport, as a way to exercise and spend leisure time.

To stimulate cycling we need to change course, and we must make clear choices. Therefore, we need to change our way of thinking, our financing and, more importantly, we need to change the use of the available space!

Download here the summary of the 2nd stage Scale up Cycling of Tour de Force:
•    Summary – Tour de Force – 2nd stage Scale up Cycling
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