Tour de Force (English)


Tour de Force is effective because our Bicycle Agenda is the result of the joint efforts of the various authorities and the professional cycling partners in the Netherlands.

The Tour management consists of administrators from national government, IPO (association of the provinces), VNG/F10 (association of the municipalities) and the transport regions. Together they ensure that recommendations deriving from the objectives are discussed within their own organisations, enabling decisions to be made that will improve the preconditions for more and safe cycling. The Tour management is assisted by representatives of the various authorities. They form the link between the Tour management and their rank and file.

F10 is a network of municipal executives and civil servants of ambitious cycling cities. The F stands for Fiets (Bicycle) and the figure 10 conveys that these cities pursue an ambitious cycling policy: they aim for top marks, operating under the Tour de Force flag. F10 acts as an open network: other cities can join if they endorse F10’s commitment, pursue their own ambitious cycling policies and are willing to actively contribute to Tour de Force by carrying out one or more pilot projects.

Cooperation between the various parties is what makes Tour de Force so successful: not only do the authorities participate, but also professional organisations with an interest in scaling up bicycle use.

Please contact the Tour the Force programme management for more information at:
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