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2015 Tour de France to start in Utrecht

2015 Tour de France to start in Utrecht

  • Soort:Nieuws Fietsberaad
  • Datum:01-12-2014

Utrecht, the fourth city of the Netherlands, has a historic city centre and is also a bicycle city. Utrecht has a passion for cycling, which is why it competed to be the start of the most famous bicycle race in the world.&

The Tour de France is an elite sports spectacle that will bring the world’s best cyclists to Utrecht. The countdown starts on March 26, 2015. The Tour starts exactly 100 days later. During that time, the city will host several festivities, activities and sports events.  From July 1 to 5, Utrecht will turn yellow for the presentation of the teams.

Utrecht expects to welcome between 600,000 and 800,000 visitors for this spectacle. With a worldwide audience of 3.5 billion television viewers, Utrecht will be in the global spotlight. It will be the sixth time that the Tour de France starts in the Netherlands.


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