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Activity friendly neighborhoods for children (Summary)

Activity friendly neighborhoods for children (Summary)

  • Soort:Onderzoeksrapporten
  • Author:Sanne de Vries (TNO Kwaliteit van leven)
  • Uitgever:Paper VU Amsterdam
  • Datum:26-11-2009
A safe traffic enviroment is more important for getting children to be more active, rather than more playfields and greenery in a suburb. The research concludes that there is a correlation between spatial planning of the neighborhood and the the ammount of physical activities done by children in these neighborhoods.


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  • The complete thesis 'Activity-friendly neighborhoods for children' from Sanne de Vries is available by sending an e-mail to info-zorg@tno.nl

    The general conclusions of the thesis are:

    • The proportion of 6- to 11-year-old children meeting the healthrelated 60-minute physical activity guideline are highly dependent on the guideline’s operationalization in terms of intensity threshold, bout duration, and number of days of moderate to vigorous physical activity, and on the assessment method used.
    • Most pedometers and accelerometers are feasible, valid, and reproducible devices to assess physical activity in healthy children (2-11 years old) and adolescents (12-18 years old).
    • It is feasible to assess physical activity in 2-year-old children with accelerometers.
    • The time 6- to 11-year-old children spend in moderate to vigorous physical activity is associated with the frequency of parallel parking spaces and the subjective rating of the activity-friendliness of the neighborhood the children live in.
    • The number of walking and cycling trips 6- to 11-year-old children make are associated with certain modifiable characteristics of the built environment the children live in, such as the frequency of pedestrian crossings and the frequency of parallel parking spaces in the neighborhood. However, these characteristics differ by the purpose of walking and cycling and by the commuting mode.


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