Bicycle Network Planning & Facility Design Approaches in the Netherlands and the United States

  • Soort:Beleidsdocumenten
  • Auteur:Federal Highway Administration
  • Uitgever:Federal Highway Administration
  • Datum:15-11-2021
Verslag en analyse van bezoek aan Nederland van US Federal Highway Administration


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  • This report explores similarities and differences in the approach to bicycle network planning and facility design in the Netherlands and the United States. A very brief historical overview is provided as context for a discussion about bicycle planning and design approaches and physical infrastructure “on the ground,” as observed during a visit to the Netherlands in August 2015. Following a high level discussion of respective design approaches, this report highlights four specific areas, or themes, observed in practice in Holland that are applicable to transportation practice in the U.S. This study was conducted under the Federal Highway Administration Global Benchmarking Program (GBP). The GBP serves as a tool for accessing, evaluating, and implementing global innovations that can help FHWA respond to U.S. highway challenges. Instead of re-creating advances already developed by other countries, the program focuses on acquiring and adopting technologies and best practices already available and used abroad. This is accomplished by connecting FHWA technical experts, either directly or indirectly, with transportation advances around the world and with the people involved in applying them. The program also provides structured implementation support to facilitate the implementation and/or adaptation of promising findings in the U.S. context. Ultimately, the goal of the GBP is to help avoid duplicative research, reduce overall costs, and accelerate improvements to our transportation system.


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Bicycle Network Planning & Facility Design Approaches in the Netherlands and the United States

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