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Bicycle paths and bicycle lanes

Bicycle paths and bicycle lanes

  • Soort:Artikelen Tijdschriften
  • Author:Theo Zeegers - Fietsersbond
  • Uitgever:Ketting nr 189, pag 6-7.
  • Datum:15-03-2008

Separate bicycle paths or bicycle lanes on arterial roads? A survey of arguments


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  • On arterial roads - any road where speeds of 50 km/h are allowed - cyclists should be separated for safety reasons from through traffic, according to Duurzaam Veilig. Cyclists strongly prefer separate bicycle paths. But often other interests are opposed and bicycle lanes may appear to be an alternative. After all, that is separation, too, isn’t it? And is that not safe? This article provides a number of guidelines how to manage this type of discussion in actual practice.


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