Bicycle plan Tilburg

  • Soort:Onderzoeksrapporten
  • Uitgever:Tilburg
  • Datum:01-06-2005

Tilburg fietst!, bicycle plan 2005-2015, is remarkable for the large amount of attention paid to maintenance (considering the completeness of the network) and narrowly targeted promotion.

  • The bicycle plan for Tilburg describes how the town of Tilburg is developing better facilities to increase comfort and safety of cyclists. This should lead to a wider appeal of cycling and more cycling in the town.
    A little over 30% of all mobility in town is achieved by bicycle. Most intensively used is the so-called Starnet, the bicycle ‘highways’ in Tilburg. Expansion, maintenance and upgrading of these bike paths are crucial. An elaborate planning in the bicycle plan outlines the adaptations required for the next twenty years. Sometimes a new layer of asphalt on the path is sufficient. But in other cases more will have to be done. For instance separating the bike path from the road in order to increase safety. Apart from the Starnet attention is also paid to the ‘smaller’ bike paths and routes. Where necessary, these routes will be upgraded, repositioned and adapted. In the countryside the local authorities want to realise this in co-operation with neighbouring cities.
    Local authorities want to transfer priority on roundabouts to cars from now on. In addition a number of busy crossings will be equipped with a counter indicating how long cyclists still have to wait for a green light. The bicycle plan also states that bike paths should be socially safe. As a consequence local authorities will explore the possibility of installing good lighting features everywhere.
    Tilburg will furthermore assist adults to learn how to cycle, if necessary; for instance lessons for inhabitants of foreign descent who have never ridden a bicycle before. New parking facilities and stands satisfy the demand for safer bicycle parking facilities, in particular near shopping centres, entertainment centres and train and bus stops.
    New is an experimental bicycle transfer point. People may park their cars at the edge of town and ride a bicycle to their destination. For this project local authorities co-operate with interested businesses.


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