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Bike City: special apartments for bikes in Vienna

Bike City: special apartments for bikes in Vienna

  • Soort:Nieuws Fietsberaad
  • Datum:13-04-2009

The "Bike City" in Vienna is a housing estate which targets the special needs of cyclists. Specific features are e.g. extra-large elevators, a bike-service-centre as well as secured bicycle parking spaces. But also limited parking spaces for private cars are characteristic for the Bike-City.

In Vienna, the share of trips with the bicycle is rising more and more. People are using their bicycles for commuting, during leisure time and even for shopping trips. The bike as an environment friendly and flexible alternative is becoming increasingly popular in Austria’s capital.
Regarding this circumstance the local municipal housing society built a new housing estate near the city centre in Vienna, which targets the needs of cyclists.
Due to the special design of the building, the flats and the surrounding area as well as a complementary bike service it is expected, that the bike will be used more often than customary in Vienna.This contribution is targeted against the negative effects of traffic. But also a better quality of living conditions was reached.
By the time the 99 flats were ready for occupancy in August 2008 nearly 5000 people had made an application.
The estate has several extra services for cyclists. The whole ground floor is created as a special “bike world” including bike rental and bike maintenance service and relaxation rooms as well as a wellness area.
The access routes to the building are of course barrier-free and bike-parking spaces are close to the building entrances. Extra-large elevators make it possible to take the bike into your flat and secure bicycle parking spaces are also available inside the building.
A total of 300 bike-parking stands are available inside and outside of the building. In contrast only 56 car parking spaces for private use were offered for the 99 housing units in a subterranean garage.
By the way money was saved, which was used for the bike and wellness area as well as the elaborate design of the surrounding area instead.
For everyone needing a car from time to time a car sharing system is available In addition, the nearby bus and underground stations offer public transport as an alternative mode to the private car.
Outside the building, the residents can use a water supply station and a compressed air station.


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