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Company bicycle relevant for local traffic policies

Company bicycle relevant for local traffic policies

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer
  • Datum:01-03-2003

A company bicycle positively affects bicycle use in commuter traffic, as shown by Nationale Fiets Projecten research.

  • A company bicycle positively affects bicycle use in commuter traffic. Effects could be even greater Approximately half of all workers in the Netherlands live within 7,5 kilometres from their work Almost half of these cycle to work, so a little over half do not. Some of these go by foot, public transport or car pool, while some need their cars for business purposes. Overall some 20% of non-cyclists living within 7,5 kilometres from work - which means approximately 10% of all workers - could leave their car without any problem and travel by bicycle. Chances of this happening increase when local authorities and businesses join forces.

    Good (infrastructural) bicycle facilities remain the essential condition for success in situations where car traffic to industrial estates, office complexes or town centres causes major local traffic problems in peak hours and where there is at the same time the potential for more bicycle use. In addition bicycle use may be stimulated even more when employers provide bicycles to those workers living within cycling distance. Local authorities should not hesitate to address businesses on this issue.


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