Crossing facilities for cyclists and pedestrians

  • Soort:Factsheets & Infographics
  • Uitgever:SWOV
  • Datum:15-03-2010

A factsheet by SWOV: summary of the knowledge on safety of crossing facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.


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  • Over half of all serious accidents (fatalities or hospitalisations) in which cyclists or pedestrians are involved occurs while crossing. An estimated mere 14% of these accidents occurs on crossing facilities, despite the large number of people using these facilities. Crossings, therefore, are relatively safe. There is, however, a wide range in the actual layout of crossing facilities. This causes uncertainty both among those crossing and drivers about what kind of behaviour is expected of them. Crossing facilities should be clear to anyone, in particular by an unambiguous layout. For pedestrian crossings preliminary layout requirements have been formulated in accordance with the program Duurzaam Veilig. There should be a single arrangement for facilities used by both pedestrians and cyclists: both priority, none priority, or both traffic lights. Where they have priority, this should be indicated by triangular give-way markings as well as platforms to ensure a low approach speed. Crossing facilities for cyclists only are best elevated at crossings. What exactly makes a crossing facility safe and clear needs to be investigated further.


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Crossing facilities for cyclists and pedestrians

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