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Cyclists and agricultural traffic

Cyclists and agricultural traffic

  • Soort:Artikelen Tijdschriften
  • Author:Theo Zeegers - Fietsersbond
  • Uitgever:De Ketting, nr 185, maart 2007
  • Datum:15-03-2007

About CROW publication 'Handreiking landbouwverkeer' [Agricultural traffic guide].


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  • The CROW publication entitled ‘Handreiking landbouwverkeer’ [Agricultural traffic guide] was recently published. This is an important publication, also for cyclists. In rural areas, cyclists are increasingly coming into conflict with agricultural traffic. This is not just because there is more agricultural traffic, but also because of the bicycle unfriendly recommendations in the previously published Handboek Wegontwerp [Road Design Handbook]. This article presents the background to the subject and the benefits of the new publication for cyclists.


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