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Fact sheet Car lanes on rural access roads

Fact sheet Shoulders on rural access roads

  • Soort:Factsheets & Infographics
  • Author:SWOV
  • Uitgever:SWOV
  • Datum:15-08-2010

SWOV recommendations about marking out driving lanes on rural access roads


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  • In sustainably safe traffic uniformity of traffic facilities is a point of special interest, as this ensures recognisability and predictability of (critical) traffic situations. The uniformity of rural access roads may be increased by marking out a driving lane in the middle of the road. This marking consists of broken lines. The shoulders on either side of the lane, if sufficiently wide, may be used by cyclists. Research results indicate that traffic safety increases slightly by this type of marking. For that reason, but mainly to improve recognisability and predictability of the road, SWOV recommends this type of marking to be used for rural access roads.


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