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Fietsberaad publication 2. Paving choices for bicycle connections: asphalt, concrete or paving slabs

Fietsberaad publication 2. Paving choices for bicycle connections: asphalt, concrete or paving slabs?

  • Soort:Notities
  • Uitgever:CROW-Fietsberaad
  • Datum:01-11-2002
A detailed summary of the KOAC-WMD report about the choice of paving for bicycle connections: asphalt, concrete or paving slabs.

  • The choice of paving has a great effect on cycling comfort. Cyclists find closed paving more comfortable to cycle on. When choosing paving, the road designer/manager not only has to consider the preference of the user, but also a number of other aspects. The costs of laying the surface, management and maintenance also play an important role.

    Organisations like the Fietsberaad (co-operating administrations on cycling) and the Fietsersbond (cyclists’ association) have the impression that choosing a flat, comfortable paving type is sometimes blocked by (improper or exaggerated use of) arguments like ‘damage by tree roots’ and ‘accessibility of cables and pipelines’.
    This publication presents the findings of a study conducted by KOAC-WMD, institute for material and road engineering research in Apeldoorn, into whether it would be possible to replace tiles by asphalt more frequently.


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