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Fietsberaad publication 5. Counting and policy: guide for usefully monitoring bicycle policies

Fietsberaad publication 5. Counting and policy: guide for usefully monitoring bicycle policies

  • Soort:Onderzoeksrapporten
  • Author:Jan Perdok (MuConsult, Amersfoort) & Dirk Ligtermoet (Ligtermoet Partners, Gouda)
  • Uitgever:Fietsberaad
  • Datum:01-12-2004
Report on monitoring bicycle use, with particular emphasis on the possibilities for useful and inexpensive procedures.


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  • On behalf of Fietsberaad MuConsult has conducted a pilot study into the use of monitoring for bicycle policies. The study has specified what a bicycle monitor might be like and which indicators are suitable for use in a monitoring system meeting the specifications mentioned above. This guide outlines the possibilities for local authorities. The title Counting and policy emphasises this article focuses in particular on monitoring for policy purposes.

    The publication examines the objectives behind monitoring bicycle use and bicycle policies and the resulting consequences for the choice of indicators. Three alternatives are presented for effecting such a bicycle monitor: three different indicators and data sets, all essentially meeting the four requirements specified above. One of these alternatives is studied in more detail: (re)using simple data from counts. When conclusions are drawn after analysis, these are translated briefly and to the point into a clear message.


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