Fietsberaad publication 6. Bicycle streets in main bicycle routes; Applications in practice

  • Soort:Aanbevelingen & Richtlijnen
  • Uitgever:Fietsberaad
  • Datum:01-07-2005

Report about bicycle streets; also a CROW publication. Bicycle street is a functional term here: main bicycle routes through residential streets. With a catalogue filled with photos of possible models.


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  • Goudappel Coffeng conducted research for the Fietsberaad (co-operating administrative bodies on cycling policy) to investigate the use, necessity and possibilities of bicycle streets. This publication consists of three parts, each of which can be read independently of the other two parts.
    Part I: Main bicycle routes in practice
    In descriptions of bicycle streets as a functional term, the word ‘main bicycle routes’ is important. What are main bicycle routes in practice (as regards function, relationship to other bicycle routes, design, etc.) and to what extent do they or could they usefully include bicycle streets?
    Part II: The value of bicycle streets
    A description of what bicycle streets could be at functional level: function, features, position in bicycle networks, added value in practice.
    Part III: The design of bicycle streets
    A catalogue of the many models which currently function in practice. These models are clustered according to design features.


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Fietsberaad publication 6. Bicycle streets in main bicycle routes; Applications in practice

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