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Free guarded bicycle parking in practice

Free guarded bicycle parking in practice

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer
  • Datum:18-05-2005

Experiences with free guarded bicycle parking facilities in Apeldoorn and Veenendaal, plus the unique subscription variant in Groningen.


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  • Why does a municipality open free guarded bicycle facilities? The main reason is to tackle theft and vandalism. Opportunity makes the thief and a guard offers very little opportunity for theft. A second motive is to encourage bicycle use, as the risk of theft is one reason for leaving the bicycle safe at home. For urban planners, improved public space is an important goal which can be achieved with bicycle parking facilities. Other arguments for free guarded bicycle parking are: creating employment (Groningen), attracting fewer cars but more people to the town centre (Amersfoort), or scoring political points by filling up poorly occupied parking facilities (Apeldoorn). More about the experiences in municipalities like Groningen and Veenendaal.


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