'Grey roads' and how to handle these

  • Soort:Artikelen Tijdschriften
  • Author:Jan van der Horst - Fietsersbond
  • Uitgever:De Ketting, nr 184, dec. 2006
  • Datum:15-12-2006

Explanation about possible solutions for ‘grey roads&', as described in Ontwerpwijzer Fietsverkeer.

  • ‘Grey roads’ are stretches of roads with features of both arterial roads and residential roads. There are no safe bicycle facilities but there are obnoxious amounts of motor vehicles. The danger can not be substantiated by data, as accidents with cyclists are only included in the statistics when the results are very serious, which happens only very rarely per stretch of road per year. But meanwhile parents do not dare allow their children to travel to school along those routes. Parking problems make cycling extra disagreeable. Local authorities quite often do no more than mark out a bicycle lane.
    With the aid of the new Ontwerpwijzer fietsverkeer this article discusses which (intrinsic) solutions are possible and what are the consequences of such solutions.


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Grey roads and how to handle these

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