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Houten centre of international interest

Houten centre of international interest

  • Soort:Nieuws Fietsberaad
  • Datum:16-09-2008

To assess the level of interest displayed by foreign colleagues into Dutch bicycle towns, Fietsberaad questioned 15 well-known and lesser-known towns. Houten still attracts most interest.

Foreign experts visit Groningen approximately 6 times a year, Amsterdam and Delft attract 6 to 10 groups a year. Houten welcomes some 200 people, in 15 to 25 groups, annually. Lesser-known towns attract fewer foreign visitors. Amersfoort, Enschede, Hengelo, Leeuwarden, Tilburg, Veenendaal and even Zwolle often number less than a single excursion a year. This was quite different for Veenendaal when it was elected Bicycle town 2000, but numbers quickly fell again. Zwolle - the quintessential sample town for the Dutch - registered three visits in 15 years. The average in Leiden is once a year; in Den Haag slightly more and in Apeldoorn the average is three times a year.


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