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Little known about anti-congestion role of bicycles

Little known about anti-congestion role of bicycles

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Author:Ron Hendriks
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer
  • Datum:21-05-2007

This article weighs the chances for success of the project ‘Met de fiets minder files&'. Authorities intend to upgrade a number of bicycle routes along congested stretches and evaluate for possible effects on congestion.


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  • Within the project ‘Fileaanpak op korte termijn’ (FileProof) of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works there is also a project ‘Met de fiets minder files’. This plan intends to entice people to start cycling by upgrading the quality of bicycle routes along congestion bottlenecks, applying specific bicycle innovations or constructing new routes. The following stretches of road will be tackled:
    Apeldoorn – Deventer Mainly promotion and communication aimed at (sports-loving) cyclists.
    Den Haag – Gouda In conjunction with activities surrounding the widening of A12. Additionally new infrastructure, bicycle signposting, lighting and mobility management.
    Rotterdam – Delft Attention to innovation, travel time information displays and lend-a-bike.
    Zaandam – Amsterdam Bicycle route alongside bus lane Coenplein. In conjunction with planning and communication of activities Coentunnel.
    Breukelen – Utrecht Improving stretch Breukelen-Maarssen/Utrecht. Link up with development train station and transferium Lage Weide. Improved bicycle signposting.

    See also video made on the occasion of signing of the declaration of intent.


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