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Masterplan bicycle highway F35 - final version

Masterplan bicycle highway F35 - final version

  • Soort:Beleidsdocumenten
  • Author:Regio Twente en Goudappel Coffeng
  • Datum:15-03-2009
The backbone of Hoogwaardig Fietsnetwerk Twente is to be the bicycle highway F35. A fast, comfortable, safe and non-stop bicycle route between Nijverdal and Enschede.

  • A perfect and straight route from Nijverdal, via Wierden, Almelo, Borne and Hengelo to Enschede, with branches from Almelo to Vriezenveen and Enschede to Oldenzaal. The bicycle highway may be extended to Gronau, where it would connect to the German (recreational) cycling routes. The potential of the bicycle highway is considerable. It is intended not only for journeys over the entire length, since thanks to sufficient numbers of junctions F35 will provide a comfortable alternative to the car over short distances. F35 is multifunctional and meets a number of objectives: - decrease congestion on car routes to inner cities, stations, offices and event locations; a good alternative for the ever increasing car traffic (mobility aspect). - connect towns, villages and recreational destinations (recreational aspect). - a fast connection to the centres where most people work and live and where most public services are located (economic aspect). - a fast connection between towns, neighbourhoods, villages and newly-built areas between all possible groups in Twenty society (social aspect) - contribute to a decrease in greenhouse gases (CO2) and noise pollution (environmental aspect). - stimulate exercise by bicycle and other human-powered means of transport (health aspect). - decrease the number of traffic casualties (safety aspect). - a distinctive project putting Twente in the limelight (public relations aspect). Route The F35 will follow the lanes of national road N35 between Nijverdal and Almelo. The exact location here depends on the plans to upgrade N35 to a motorway or expressway. Between Almelo and Enschede the F35 will lie alongside the railway line. The branch from Vriezenveen to Almelo will be a free route, whereas the branch from Oldenzaal to Enschede will be a free route or will lie alongside provincial road N342. The location along the railway line is highly valuable, as this involves a strip of free space allowing realisation of a free, non-stop bicycle connection towards the centres and train stations. In addition F35 can benefit from the under- and overpasses between railroads and busy roads, which will contribute to the safety of cyclists. The town centres and particularly train stations are the junctions in the system, where it is possible to transfer to public transport (bus, train) or continue cycling along Hoogwaardig Fietsnetwerk Twente. Over the entire route there will be sufficient entrances and exits, allowing fast and safe access to not merely the urban centres but all Twente ‘pearls’. Building blocks The route of F35 consists of four ‘building blocks’: the red carpet, the edges, construction and facilities. - the red carpet is the continuous line: the bike path, at least 4 to 4.5 metres wide. - the edges are the vertical construction elements providing clear boundaries to the bicycle highway where necessary (safety) or desirable (distinctiveness). The edges provide the opportunity to gather all separate elements (lighting, rest areas, signposting, facilities, planting, etc.) into a clear structure. - the bicycle highway will be at ground level, on a bank or on columns, depending on the location and integrative possibilities. Agreements on this will have to be finalised in cooperation with all parties concerned. - lighting, signposting, rest areas, information boards, bicycle parkings etc. are the facilities that make using the bicycle highway more pleasant. A decision on the type of facilities depends on the possibilities provided by the locations. Requirements F35 is a unique project making huge demands on the quality of urban and rural integration, appearance (architecture), sustainability (sizing and types of material) and use by cyclists (traffic engineering). The various requirements in these fields have been elaborated in a programme of requirements. The local authorities will use this programme as reference material in the execution of subsidiary routes or for management of the bicycle infrastructure. Possibilities for funding By joining forces and identifying and designating clear subsidiary routes, the region can apply for grants in stages over several years. Where possible the subsidiary routes may be integrated into economic and planning projects, facilitating co-funding and increasing chances for contributions from various subsidiarysidy schemes like Belvedere, Investeringsbudget Landelijk Gebied (ILG), Plattelandsontwikkelingsplan Overijssel 2007-2013 (POP II), European Fund for Regional Development (EFRO), the programme for cross-border projects INTERREG and Agenda van Twente. In order to promote the required quality of the subsidiary routes, Regio Twente will provide a contribution of 50% in the cost of work from Brede Doeluitkering Verkeer and Vervoer (BDU), on condition that the subsidiary routes meet the programme of requirements.


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