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Modernisation bicycle parking facilities at all 380 NS stations

Modernisation bicycle parking facilities at all 380 NS stations

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer
  • Datum:15-10-2001

Summary of the modernisation programme Ruimte voor de fiets (Space for the bicycle) launched by Prorail on behalf of V&W.


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  • Among train passengers in the Netherlands, between 30 and 35 percent cycle to the station, making the bicycle the main form of transport link. For onward journeys, around 10 percent get on a bicycle. However, the capacity and quality of the bicycle parking facilities are often substandard. Space for the Bicycle, a national project that aims at modernising the bicycle parking facilities at all 380 stations in the Netherlands, plans to change all this. 460 million guilders (209 million Euros) are available to fund the project, which should be completed in 2007


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