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Public bicycle scheme of Barcelona successful

Public bicycle scheme of Barcelona successful

  • Soort:Nieuws Fietsberaad
  • Datum:20-04-2009

Rental bikes successful in Barcelona Over twice the number of subscriptions forecast and it generates jobs as well. The rental bike project in Barcelona appears to be a resounding success after two years&' operation.

Initially 85,000 subscriptions were forecast after three years. By now 186,000 users have registered. That corresponds to 15% of the city’s adult population. In winter 35,000 trips are made each day, which rises to 58,000 trips in summer. Bicing (as the project is called) by now numbers 400 stations with 6,000 bicycles overall. Each bicycle is used approximately ten times daily in summer, on busy locations up to 20 times. On average bicycles travel 25 kilometres a day. It is remarkable that ‘standard’ rental bikes are used more often as well. This market had been expected to decline. The project also generates employment for about 200 people. According to some mobility studies 30 per cent of people use a bicycle trip in combination with public transport.


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