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Regional bicycle route networks

Regional bicycle route networks

  • Soort:Onderzoeksrapporten
  • Uitgever:SLF
  • Datum:01-06-2006

Report by SLF about advantages and disadvantages of junction signposting, with recommendations and planning checklist.

  • At a great pace regional bicycle route networks are developed in the Netherlands. Recreational cyclists are then able to compose and ride routes to their own liking. In almost all cases these are networks provided with the so-called junction signposting. This type of signposting is a relatively new phenomenon within the field of signposted recreational bicycle routes. In order to preserve the quality of the recreational bicycle possibilities in the Netherlands it is necessary to steer the developments that are influential in this respect, in the right direction. With regards to the development of junction networks and their signposting cyclists expect a clear and uniform system. Clarity and uniformity are also the aims of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and the provinces. In this context these strongly support a good alliance between the national bicycle route structure (LF-network) and the regional junction networks. With this in mind Fietsplatform provides recommendations for further implementation of junction networks.


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