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Social costs and benefits of bicycle investments

Social costs and benefits of bicycle investments

  • Soort:Onderzoeksrapporten
  • Author:Kees van Ommeren en Willem Goedhart
  • Uitgever:Decisio
  • Datum:08-08-2012

A summary of the social costs and benefits of bicycle investments.


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  • The Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment in the Netherlands (MIE) uses the OEI methodology (Overview Effects Investments) to analyze the social costs and benefits of investments in infrastruc-ture and other policy measures. For large infrastructure projects the use of this method is mandatory. For bicycle infrastructure, up till now this method has hardly been used, partly because the investment costs usually are relatively small. For smaller projects a social cost-benefit analysis (SCBA) is also a useful means of structuring the discussion and providing objective information for the pur-pose of decision making.
    Therefore, MIE has commissioned Decisio and the Transaction Management Centre to execute a quick scan of the possibilities of applying the OEI tools to bicycle measures.

    The main question of this research is: "Is application of social cost-benefit analyses according to the OEI methodology useful for bicycle measures?"

    In the quick scan the OEI methodology has been applied in three concrete cases.


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