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The Hague promotes additional neighbourhood parking facilities

The Hague promotes additional neighbourhood parking facilities

  • Soort:Nieuws Fietsberaad
  • Datum:25-04-2013

In 2013 and 2014, The Hague will build thousands of additional bike parking spaces at train stations and public transport stops. At least 10 new neigbourhood bike parking facilities will be built as well as 120 bike shelters (in the Netherlands these are called “bike drums” because of their roughly cylindrical shape).

3000 new bike parking spaces will be added to the bike parking facilities in The Hague in the coming two years. This brings the total to 8400 parking spaces at the station. In the years after that, this number will increase to 11,400. New bike parking places will also be added to the second largest station in The Hague – Hollands Spoor. 2300 new parking places will be added in the period up to 2020.
Also residential areas have a need for covered and enclosed bike parking spaces. Eight neighbourhoods will therefore acquire bike shelters. Four bicycles can reside safe and dry in a bike shelter. The municipality of The Hague is also providing subsidies in support of initiatives aimed at creating neighbourhood bike shelters. So far 17 neighbourhood bike shelters have made use of this subsidy. By now 1000 new parking places have been introduced and by the end of 2014 ten additional neighbourhood bike shelters will become operational.


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