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The increase can be really terrifying

The increase can be really terrifying

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer
  • Datum:01-06-2002

A guarded bicycle parking facility at secondary schools leads to a considerable increase in bicycle use, as demonstrated in the region Haaglanden.

  • As of 1999 the town of Den Haag has provided each school with a one-off grant of 20.000 Euro to realise guarded parking facilities. By now Biesieklette runs thirty guarded parking facilities at schools ranging in size from 300 to 1200 pupils in various towns. Often completely funded by the school itself (for example Zoetermeer and Leidschendam), but also quite often with a grant by the town authorities, as in Den Haag.
    This sometimes results in a considerable increase in the number of cyclists.


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