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The tube counter still counts for something

The tube counter still counts for something

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Author:Ron Hendriks
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer 21
  • Datum:22-02-2009

In many towns and regions pneumatic tube counters are habitually employed to evaluate bicycle policies. Nowadays there are various new measurement techniques available, however. The question is: should these be employed.

  • A pneumatic tube counter can easily be installed, but is rather susceptible to vandalism. As regards accuracy, the tube counters miss approximately 5 per cent of cyclists. That is accurate enough for most applications, but smaller fluctuations in bicycle use may be ignored. There are as yet, however, no real alternatives. Only the so-called Eco-counter - an underground loop detector specially developed for cyclists - appears to be nearly as accurate and less vulnerable, according to initial tests. Possibly in future fibre optics - currently on trial at the counting post in Delft - may play a role.


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