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Three years of Fietsbalans: an effective instrument

Three years of Fietsbalans: an effective instrument

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer
  • Datum:01-01-2005

Summary of the evaluation of Fietsbalans: clearly positive, for effective, results.

  • For three years (2001 - 2003) Fietsersbond has been conducting Fietsbalans, enabled by a long-term subsidy by the Ministry of Transport and Public Works. Early in 2004 Fietsersbond has evaluated the project. Expectations on the basis of interim experiences and reactions were clearly validated by the evaluation: Fietsbalans has been extremely useful for bicycle policy in the Netherlands.
    The impact of Fietsbalans can be judged from the number of towns where the results ended up in the political arena. In 42% of participating towns Fietsbalans has been discussed politically (in the town council or council committee). In 72% of the towns the town councillor has been involved, either directly or through his staff.


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