Three years of a new bicycle policy in Nijmegen

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Author:Hans van Vliet en Martijn te Lintelo
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer
  • Datum:12-11-2005

A new, socialist town government wanted to reinvigorate bicycle policy. About showpieces and working with civil servants.

  • A new, socialist town government wanting to invest heavily in bicycle infrastructure, a study by Fietsersbond demonstrating quality and comfort of the bike paths are in a bad way, and a plan by Gelderse Milieufederatie for a fast bicycle route between Wijchen and Nijmegen. These ingredients appeared to be sufficient to improve the situation for bicycles in a major way. A report from Nijmegen on three years of executive bicycle policy with an ambitious town government elected in 2002. The coalition parties want to invest heavily in bicycle infrastructure: 10 million Euro over a period of four years. And they want to see results quickly. The new ambition is a reversal for civil servants. How to approach this?


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Three years of a new bicycle policy in Nijmegen

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