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Zwolle opens a hotline for dangerous bike posts and bollards.

Zwolle opens a hotline for dangerous bike posts and bollards.

  • Soort:Nieuws Fietsberaad
  • Datum:17-09-2012

Following Amersfoort, Zwolle has also set up a website where citizens can give their view on the usefulness and necessity of bike bollards. In Amersfoort this has already led to the removal of 90 superfluous bike bollards.

While seated in front of the pc at home or using an I-phone or tablet when on the move, people can examine the location of a bike bollard via the website www.zwolle.nl/fietspalen. By clicking on the location, the viewer can obtain its characteristics and can deliver his or her own assessment. One can also report on the placement of a new bollard.
In this way, the municipality aims to remove as many bollards as possible from cycling paths so that only the most essential ones should remain standing. Some of these are badly placed and must be moved, or the visibility must be in some other way improved.
In the fall of 2012, the 5 most dangerous bollards will be displayed on the website map. Either they will be removed in 2012 or the visibility at those locations will be improved. Bollards that are removed in order to provide access for salt spreader vehicles during the winter season would probably not be reinstalled after the winter. For bollards not on major cycling paths, a plan of approach will be developed.

Last winter, Amersfoort citizens could assess dangerous bollards on a website. 4250 votes were given to 500 bollards. 3500 votes were for removal and 500 for retention of the bollards. The result of this first assessment was that about 90 bollards could be removed or, at any rate, not be reinstalled following the winter season.


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