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Bicycle safety in bicycle to car accidents

Bicycle safety in bicycle to car accidents

  • Soort:Onderzoeksrapporten
  • Author:C.Rodarius, J. Mordaka, T.Versmissen
  • Uitgever:TNO
  • Datum:22-04-2008

This study shows that not all safety measures for pedestrians are efficient for bicyclists. Attention for the specific kinematics of bicyclists in future regulations and during the development of safety systems is needed.


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  • Conclusions and recommendations
    Cyclists are no pedestrians; most studies about the safety for vulnerable users mention
    countermeasures to increase the safety for pedestrian and bicyclists. However most of
    these studies are based on pedestrian’s safety only. This study shows that not all safety measures for pedestrians are efficient for bicyclists. Attention for the specific
    kinematics of bicyclists in future regulations and during the development of safety
    systems is needed.
    From literature it was found, that bicycle safety is an issue that is more serious in the
    Netherlands than in other countries of the European Union. The Netherlands are the
    only country were each year the number of fatal cyclists accidents exceeds the number of fatal pedestrian accidents.
    From both literature and parameter study it was found that most dominant injuries
    occurring in bicycle to car accidents were head injuries. Also, they were most often
    causative for cases with fatalities. Lower leg injuries tended to be the most severe
    injuries, however they were not life threatening. Elderly people run a higher risk of
    obtaining serious injuries than younger people.
    From the parameter study it was found, that the general car geometry parameters as
    bonnet length or bonnet – windscreen angle have no influence on obtained injuries. It
    was only found, that lower cars and lower bonnet leading edge heights tend to result in
    lower pelvis and head 3ms acceleration. No car height or bonnet leading edge reference
    height can be recommended though, as the reduction with respect to obtainable injury
    was found to be highly depending on car speed, bicycle orientation, cyclist – bicycle
    combination and the combination of these parameters.
    The speed of the car at time of impact is the core parameter with respect to obtained
    injuries, impact velocities, and impact location. Therefore, the most effective way to
    reduce cyclist injuries in car to bicycle accidents is to make sure cars do not drive faster than allowed and necessary.
    Integrated safety systems such as brake assists and autonomous braking are not only
    effective for pedestrian safety but also for cyclist safety.
    Current regulations for pedestrian safety are less effective for cyclists. Though small
    cyclists as the small female of the parameter study and young children are still covered
    to some extend for car speeds _x0002_ 30 km/h, average adults and car speeds > 30 km/h are not covered anymore. Therefore it is proposed to extend the current head impact
    protocol towards the windscreen.
    Exterior airbags as under development by Autoliv were shown to be very effective for
    cyclists as well, showing a potentional HIC reduction of about 75%. Special attention
    though will have to be paid to the impact location of a cyclists’ head as it hits much
    higher than a pedestrian head.


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