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Callock bike lending pilot successful

Callock bike lending pilot successful

  • Soort:Nieuws Fietsberaad
  • Datum:01-05-2012

The Callock bike lending pilot ran in the vicinity of the railway, port and city centre of Middelburg. The scheme was particularly popular for trips to and from the railway station, says the NL Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Since October 2011 the Callock system provides bikes at several strategic places in and around the city. It offers an easy and sustainable transport alternative for trips to and from the railway station and within the city centre, but is also interesting for tourists, business people and users of park and ride zones. Users appreciate the system as being easy, flexible, quick and available 24/7. Without a Callock bike, 14% of people involved in the pilot would have taken the car and 4% would not have participated in a certain activity.
The bike securing units are like a plug and play system, easy to move and install, allowing for an optimal use of all the bikes available and for a proper response to peak demands. For example, it was found that the bikes stationed at important public transport sections were used intensively and that more capacity was therefore needed at such ‘hubs’ than previously estimated. The visual presence of the bikes in the city was already an effective way of promoting the scheme. Hardly any vandalism or thefts were reported. A web-based management system offers all information on the availability of bikes in real-time and makes quick interventions, such as repairs, possible.
The pilot project is part of the governmental programme on ‘Innovative travelling from and to the railway station’. Other regions, countries and business sites have already indicated their interest.


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