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Copenhagen Bicycle Account 2010

Copenhagen Bicycle Account 2010

  • Soort:Factsheets & Infographics
  • Uitgever:City of Copenhagen
  • Datum:15-05-2011

The biennual&Bicycle Account of Copenhagen.


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  • The Bicycle Account is an assessment of cycling development in the City of Copenhagen. The Account consequently deals with city cycling conditions, new initiatives as well as the way in which the Copenhageners themselves perceive cycling facilities. The Bicycle Account is published bi-annually.
    This year’s Bicycle Account is based on 2010 statistics and includes telephone interviews with 1,025 randomly selected Copenhagen residents as well as data from the DTU Transport Survey of Transport Behaviour. The Bicycle Account 2010 is the ninth of its kind.The Bicycle Account is aimed at Copenhagen residents, among others, who hopefully will be able to make use of it as a source of inspiration. For the City of Copenhagen the Bicycle Account is a vital planning tool in the work to make Copenhagen an even better city for cyclists.


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