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Eindhoven region maps quality bicycle network

Eindhoven region maps quality bicycle network

  • Soort:Nieuws Fietsberaad
  • Datum:15-08-2011

The surface of the bike path network in the town of Helmond contains on average 89.9 bumps and 67.8 potholes per 10 kilometres. Of the bicycle network 84% is lit, and average waiting times at traffic lights on the bike paths of the Sternetwerk are 57 seconds. This and much else can be gleaned from the study Samenwerkingsverband Regio Eindhoven commissioned into the quality of the bike path network.

For that purpose bureau ARS T&TT sent out two Fiat Panda’s , equipped with cameras, GPS and dedicated software allowing fieldworkers to rapidly record all kinds of data. In this way overall 1200 stretches of road, with an average length of approximately 1000 metres have been mapped in the 21 towns and villages in the region. Every five metres photos were made of the stretch of road and road surface and along the way a wide range of data was collected, such as the width of a bike path, the type of surface and degree of maintenance (differentiating between bumps, potholes, cracks and gaps). In addition the colour of the road surface was recorded for the Sternetwerk, as well as the presence of lighting and trees and shrubs. But for instance at intersections a record was also made on the priority arrangements and the waiting times at traffic lights..
This yielded an enormous amount of data, both by criteria and by town. In this way we now know for instance that as regards bumps Helmond is quite average. Some towns possess less than 20 bumps per 10 km, others more than 150. Local portfolio holders will now be discussing the differences.


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