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Evaluation Waterbus: part of bicycle transfer

Evaluation Waterbus: part of bicycle transfer

  • Soort:Onderzoeksrapporten
  • Author:Goudappel Coffeng
  • Uitgever:Verkeer & Waterstaat, DVS
  • Datum:30-06-2008

Evaluation of the Waterbus connection between Rotterdam and Dordrecht: users, rating, effects.

  • The Waterbus has an established clientele that frequently commutes in peak hours, mainly for work and school. In addition the Waterbus is used during the day for shopping and recreational purposes.
    A major positive feature distinguishing the Waterbus from other public transport is the possibility to carry along a bicycle. The Waterbus provides the opportunity to combine the best of two modes of transport: the flexibility of a bicycle and the speed of a boat. Approximately 60% of passengers carries a bicycle along, and 70% of transport to and from the Waterbus occurs by bicycle. As such, the Waterbus promotes bicycle use and aids in reducing the number of vehicles on the road.

    Customers of the Waterbus are highly satisfied with the service: both the express service and the regular Waterbus were rated 8.2. The Waterbus was rated the same in the OV customer satisfaction survey, a national survey into travellers’ opinions on public (local and regional) transport. The Waterbus services are therefore considered to be among the best in the Netherlands.
    For people wanting to avoid congestion the Waterbus is an excellent alternative. There are no delays, arrival times are reliable and transport to and from the Waterbus is easy. Thanks to the regular Waterbus and the express pilot programme more people have reached Rotterdam and Dordrecht without congestion problems. And to their clear satisfaction. The conclusion is therefore warranted that the Waterbus increases accessibility of both towns. Of the participants 25% indicate they would otherwise have travelled by car.


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