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Evaluation pilot bicycle lockers

Evaluation pilot bicycle lockers

  • Soort:Onderzoeksrapporten
  • Author:C van Putten - SOAB
  • Datum:15-05-2008
Failed experiment by Zuid-Holland provincial authorities with 70 bicycle lockers at bus stops along provincial roads.

  • Theft and vandalism at a number of rural bus stops in the province of Zuid-Holland were and still are a problem. The aim of the pilot bicycle lockers, started in April of 2007, was: realise safe bicycle parking provisions at bus stops, thereby promoting bicycle use in chain mobility. As well as: gain experience within the province of Zuid-Holland with bicycle lockers at bus stops. Special circumstance: these are bicycle lockers at bus stops along provincial roads. Overall this concerns 70 bicycle lockers at 5 stops along provincial roads: Bergambacht (N210 roundabout Dijklaan), 10 lockers Haastrecht (N288 near roundabout Grote Haven), 10 lockers Leiden (N206 ‘t Schouw park and ride), 20 lockers Leimuiden (N207 intersection Dr. Stapenseastraat), 20 lockers Noordwijk (N451 near Shell petrol station), 10 lockers The decision for a site was mainly based on risk of theft and the number of parked bicycles at a bus stop. Of the 70 lockers at most 14 have been rented. The preliminary study in 2005 concluded on the basis of interviews that there was a clear need for bicycle lockers at these 5 sites. The rental results are therefore quite disappointing. In new interviews 58% of responding cyclists at those bus stops indicate they do not use a bicycle locker because it is too expensive, because a subscription is required or because it is not easy to use. Moreover another 25% demonstrate ignorance about the existence of the lockers. A clear demonstration that the various questionnaires indicate a great demand for more parking provisions, but not necessarily bicycle lockers.


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