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Facts and figures bicycle parking 2010

Facts and figures bicycle parking 2010

  • Soort:Factsheets & Infographics
  • Author:Fietsberaad
  • Datum:11-06-2010
Facts and figures on bicycle parking, allowing a calculation how many bicycle parking spaces are necessary for specific functions

  • Introduction The required number of bicycle parking spaces at an office, shop or public service is preferably determined on the basis of counts. This offers the best guarantee that supply meets demand. In a number of situations it is however hard or impossible to count, for instance in case of newly constructed buildings. In those situations facts and figures may allow calculation of the required number of bicycle parking spaces. This is particularly important when the design of the building or public space needs to take into account large number of bicycles. The data on bicycle parking in this memorandum have been gathered by centre of expertise Fietsberaad in cooperation with Goudappel Coffeng consultants. Fietsberaad intends to continue to improve the data over the coming years. This requires as many new counts as possible. Anyone may contribute by entering counts into the Fietsparkeertool at www.fietsberaad.nl (beware: the bicycle parking data for 2010 have not yet been entered into Fietsparkeertool). Clarification of methods and bicycle parking data The new data have been developed in two stages. Initially the need for bicycle parking space has been determined on the basis of general data about various functions, like the number of visitors, the normative time, length of parking and modal split. This is similar to the approach for car parking at verkeersgeneratie.nl. In the second stage the data from the first stage have been tested in actual practice and if need be, been adjusted. To that end a large number of counts has been conducted in the spring of 2009. The counts of users of Fietsparkeertool have been used for this as well. Yet the available counts only allow verification of a limited number of the figures in actual practice. Hence the ambition of Fietsberaad to collects more counts over the coming years. The column validation in the table with bicycle parking figures reflects the degree to which the figures have been verified in actual practice. Margins The figures provided are averages per function for the whole of the Netherlands. In actual practice there is often a wide spread in the need for bicycle parking space. This spread has been reflected in the figures in two ways. First of all a distinction has been made, as far as the data allowed, between locations (town centre, built area elsewhere, etc.). Among schools a distinction was made between the sizes. In addition the bicycle use in a specific town has been taken into account (see column spread towns). The minimum are figures for towns with extremely low bicycle use and the maximum is for towns with very high levels of cycling. The correction factors have been calculated on the basis of Mobiliteitsonderzoek Nederland (see paragraph 6). A table with bicycle use by town can be found on the Fietsberaad website. General remarks on the table: - the bicycle parking f figures are intended for stand-alone functions, and therefore not suitable for areas with a great mixture of functions, like town centres. - the busiest moment of the week or year is normative for the figures. The table in paragraph 5 represents the normative moment for the various functions. When counting this table may be used to determine the suitable time for counting. This table also contains information how the units for size of the functions may be converted into alternative units. - a standard margin of +20% has been included in the data (with the exception of residences). This extra parking capacity is required as cyclists should also be able to find empty spaces (frictional vacancy). Moreover, this provides some flexibility that allows answering a limited increase in bicycle use. - the data are in no way related to the standards in Bouwbesluit (or any other future legal requirements). Bouwbesluit contains the minimum standards newly constructed or renovated buildings have to meet. The figures allow a policy determination of the desired number of bicycle parking spaces. - for places of work a distinction is made, as far as possible, between employees and visitors. The bicycle parking spaces for employees should meet higher requirements (preference for indoors). - train stations have not been included in the data, as differences among stations are too large. ProRail has a detailed knowledge of the demand by station. Data have been gathered for the following functions: Offices office (staff) office with visitors Elementary schools Elementary school (pupils) Elementary school (staff) Secondary and vocational schools Secondary school (pupils) Secondary school (staff) Vocational school (pupils) Vocational school (staff) Shopping Shopping centre Supermarket Builders’ supplies Garden centre Health care and facilities Pharmacy (visitors) Pharmacy (staff) Cemetery Crematorium Health centre (visitors) Health centre (staff) Church/mosque Hospital (visitors) Hospital (staff) Food and drink Fast-food restaurant Restaurant (simple) Restaurant (luxury) Sports, culture and leisure Library Cinema Fitness centre Museum Sports centre Sports field Fitness centre Stadium Urban event Theatre Swimming pool (outdoor) Swimming pool (indoor) Residences Terraced and detached houses Apartments (with bicycle storage) Apartments (without bicycle storage) Student housing


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