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Fietsbalans II: competitiveness bicycle greatly improved

Fietsbalans II: competitiveness bicycle greatly improved

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Author:Karin Broer
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer nr. 20
  • Datum:08-10-2008

The second round of Fietsbalans, the Fietsersbond study into cycling climate in towns, is being finalised. Major conclusions: towns have invested a great deal in bicycle policy and cars are gradually coming to a standstill.


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  • The competitiveness of bicycles has greatly improved over the past eight years. That is one of the most striking conclusions when comparing the first (2000-2003) and second (2006-2008) rounds of Fietsbalans. The fact that bicycles do better compared to cars is the result of policy decisions made by local authorities, but autonomous developments are as important. Particularly in major cities the amount of traffic has increased to such an extent that cars are slower than bicycles. Moreover it is becoming clear that many local authorities have invested in better cycling surfaces. In other respects no or barely any progress has been made, for instance as regards obstruction. This measures among other things whether cyclists can continue to ride side by side. Another striking result is the fact that cyclists have often lost their right of way compared to 2000.
    The scientists have not found major differences between towns as far as bicycle parking is concerned. There has been relatively much attention for parking bicycles near the train station and the town centre, but other locations are often forgotten.


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