Fietsberaad on Sustainable Safety

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer
  • Datum:01-02-2002

A short political agenda for a Sustainable Safety policy that helps.


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  • 2002 sees the launch of the second phase of Sustainable Safety (Duurzaam Veilig), the policy aimed at achieving structural improvement of traffic safety. Fietsberaad is convinced that the philosophy behind Sustainable Safety will benefit bicycle traffic. However there is a sense that the safety of cyclists and the attractiveness of bicycle use have become obscured due to the strong emphasis on the cost-effectiveness of measures in the preparation of the second phase. In order to corroborate this idea, the consultancy investigated what regional measures have been planned by provinces and framework act areas. The measures relate to: inside and outside built-up areas, parallel roads.


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Fietsberaad on Sustainable Safety

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