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It seems simple, but it is actually quite difficult

“It seems simple, but it is actually quite difficult”

  • Soort:Artikelen Tijdschriften
  • Author:Karin Broer
  • Datum:30-09-2002

A journalistic survey of bicycle parking policies in older residential neighbourhoods of seven major cities.


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  • Attention to bicycle parking policies has grown over the past few years. In particular regarding bicycle parking facilities in town centres or at train stations. Bicycle parking facilities at residences are considerably less in the picture. Yet bicycle parking policies in residential areas are most certainly of public use as well. Approximately 58 per cent of all bicycle theft occurs in the immediate vicinity of the residence. It would therefore be self-evident for authorities not only to aim at good parking facilities at the destination, but also at the origin. If authorities prefer their inhabitants to visit the town centre by bicycle, they should be able to park their bicycle at home and be able to use it without any problem.
    The article provides a survey of relevant bicycle parking policies in Utrecht, Haarlem, The Hague, Rotterdam, Schiedam, Delft and Amsterdam. In addition there is a description of key figures, positive influences and negative influences on bicycle parking policies.


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