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Planological differences between Vinex neighbourhoods Veldhuizen and Houten

Planological differences between Vinex neighbourhoods Veldhuizen and Houten

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Author:Peter Kroeze (Ligtermoet & partners)
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer nr. 20
  • Datum:17-10-2008

The planological lay-out of the new Vinex neighbourhood Houten-Zuid strongly differs from that in Leidsche Rijn-Veldhuizen. Peter Kroeze went in search of the differences to find out if these explain why people cycle more in Houten.

  • At neighbourhood level the differences are not great. At a structural level, however, there are obvious differences. The bicycle network for transport between neighbourhoods in Houten-Vinex differs from that in Veldhuizen. In Houten-Vinex a clear decision has been made in favour of a distinctive bicycle route network, clearly recognisable in the streets. Bike paths or bicycle streets, all executed in red asphalt. These bicycle routes open up all major destinations and seamlessly join the existing Houten infrastructure. The bicycle structure is linked to the green structure. Bicycle routes and green structure together form the backbone of the planological structure. There is for instance an oblong greenbelt running east to west with bicycle paths through the centre of various residential areas.
    The network of principal bicycle routes in Veldhuizen is much more coarse. In the Masterplan Leidsche Rijn several major regional bicycle axes (bicycle boulevards) are mentioned. From Leidsche Rijn two main routes extend to the Utrecht town centre. The southern axis is relevant for Veldhuizen. This bicycle axis does not run through Veldhuizen but by it. At street level, however, this principal bicycle route is unrecognisable as a bicycle boulevard. It appears to be a ‘normal’ road, with cars and narrow bicycle lanes.
    The intricate bicycle network within the neighbourhood can not be recognised as such, either. Although within the planned area fast routes can be discerned, a conscious decision was made to make these available to all traffic (with a narrow profile) and not design these as bicycle routes. The opening up of both areas for cars is widely divergent as well. In Houten-Vinex the well-known Houten approach has been continued: car traffic between neighbourhoods should always use the outside ringroad, whereas cyclists can take shortcuts. In Veldhuizen cars may travel directly from one neighbourhood to another as well as to De Meern.

    In Houten-Vinex half of all residents use their bicycle for daily shopping. In Veldhuizen just three out of every ten residents visit the shopping centre daily by bicycle. A bicycle-friendly lay-out of a neighbourhood does lead to more bicycle use, was the conclusion the students drew from their investigation. But scientist Brechtje Hilbers does not feel the conclusion is warranted that planological lay-out affects bicycle use. ‘Other explanatory factors are for instance the number of young residents, the number of people out of work and the bicycle’s image. In order to obtain a definitive answer a follow-up study and a larger sample are necessary.’


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