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Quick-scan bicycle parking facilities at home

Quick-scan bicycle parking facilities at home

  • Soort:Artikelen Tijdschriften
  • Author:MuConsult
  • Uitgever:Project Korte Ritten
  • Datum:01-05-2002

A quick-scan into how architects can improve the quality of bicycle sheds.


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  • Spatial policy has a major impact on how we move around. This starts at the front door of our home. If the car is easily accessible while the bicycle is hidden away in a hall or at the back of a shed, the choice is soon made. The project team Korte Ritten (KR) wanted to study whether residents experienced any problems regarding bicycle parking at home and if so, which actors (architects, project developers, municipalities) could improve the situation.
    The study revealed that architects can only contribute marginally to improving bicycle parking at home. Project developers or urban planners play a slightly bigger role, but it is the municipality which has the greatest influence. In the two locations studied, people were generally satisfied with the quality of their bicycle sheds, even if they did use them for other purposes. MuConsult advised incorporating the term bicycle sheds in new build projects in the Building Decree. This would encourage architects to take bicycles into account when designing the shed.


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