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School environment safer and nicer

School environment safer and nicer

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Author:Karin Broer
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer 24
  • Datum:25-02-2010
In education there is a trend to combine facilities like elementary schools, a gym, library or day-care centre into a single community school which may have adverse effects on cycling. A reason to pay more attention to a safe school environment that invites cycling.

  • When several existing schools are combined into a single new building, the distance to school will increase for pupils in most cases. A greater distance implies that driving becomes more attractive, certainly in case of rain. A day-care centre (for children up to four years of age) in or near a community school implies more car movements around the school. De Krullevaar in the Zwolle neighbourhood of Stadshagen is a school in the middle of a car-free zone; it was built in the late nineteen nineties. This school is situated along a bike path in a green environment. In order to reach the school from the car park a green belt needs to be crossed, as well as a small bridge. De Muze in Nijmegen is also a school without cars in its immediate environment. Close to school cyclists and pedestrians are separated and there is a stacking area for parents. In Barendrecht De Zeppelin is located in the Carnisselande neighbourhood. It can be reached by separate routes for cyclists and motorists. Along free bike paths the cyclists reach one end of the building, while parents in cars park at the other end, near the day-care centre.


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