Smarter with light

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Author:Ron Hendriks
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer 23
  • Datum:22-10-2009
Dynamic bike path lighting appeals to the imagination, particularly when the light accompanies the cyclist thanks to presence detection. But it most certainly is not the only way to save on energy costs or limit light pollution. LED lighting and ‘green lighting’ also provide alternatives for the oft-used fluorescent lights. A survey of recent development in this field.

  • There are numerous experiments, in particular with dynamic lighting ‘accompanying’ cyclists. A distinction needs to be made between semi-automatic and automatic dimming. With semi-automatic dimming a timer determines the start and finish of the dimming. Depending on the wiring present that may occur from a central location or by individual street light. This may also occur fully automated on the basis of traffic intensities. Both varieties occur. The extra costs are hard to recover in smaller projects. But social safety is often the main objective, energy savings come in second. Either in combination with dimming or not, there are also trials with LED lights in many locations. Opinions differ for now. Energy savings are to be expected, but still hard to demonstrate. And residents are somewhat sceptical concerning the harsh white light. There are also experiments with green light, for example in trials on some bike paths in the province of Utrecht and in Amsterdam


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