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Sustained attention for bicycle facilities

Sustained attention for bicycle facilities

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer
  • Datum:08-03-2003

GDU, joined earmarked funds, did not result in fewer subsidies for bicycle infrastructure since its introduction in 1996.


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  • Since 1996 the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has provided provinces and special administrative areas with GDU (joined earmarked funds) to subsidise infrastructural projects such as bicycle facilities. The introduction of GDU put a stop to specific subsidy regimes by policy themes, e.g. bicycle policy. There was a fear that this departitioning might be detrimental to bicycle projects as these are usually smallish and might be considered less relevant. So far this fear has been unfounded, as has been proven before: the Eindrapport Masterplan Fiets(1998) stated a 31% percentage of GDU-expenditure over the period 1996-1997 and for the period 1998-2000 Fietserbond (Vogelvrije Fietser, September 2001) and Traffic Test (Gebruik van de GDU, augustus 2002) calculated percentages of 35% and 30%, respectively.


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