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Towns weigh free parking at train stations

Towns weigh free parking at train stations

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Author:Ron Hendriks
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer 23
  • Datum:22-10-2009
Parking a bicycle free of charge in a beautiful storage facility, so no one is tempted to fix his bicycle to a lamppost in front of the train station. That is the ideal picture of NS Fiets. And many towns. But free of charge also costs money and the question is: who will pay for that? Often this comes down to local authorities.

  • Parking a bicycle free of charge in a beautiful storage facility, so no one is tempted to fix his bicycle to a lamppost in front of the train station. That is the ideal picture of NS Fiets. And many towns. But free of charge also costs money and the question is: who will pay for that? Often this comes down to local authorities. ProRail is building at speed new parking facilities, mainly funded by the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management within the framework of the programme Ruimte voor de Fiets or the (re)construction of train stations. The latter is the case in the so-called key projects at high-speed train locations, like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Breda and Arnhem. Discussions on management issues soon follow. Charging a parking fee deters cyclists as well. A free parking may easily fill and the forecourt stays devoid of bicycles . NS Fiets embraces the concept where the first two days are free of charge, and payment is due after that.


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