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Transportation behaviour of children to their primary schools

Transportation behaviour of children to their primary schools

  • Soort:Artikelen Fietsverkeer
  • Author:Karolijne van der Houwen, Jeroen Goossen, Ipe Veling
  • Uitgever:Fietsverkeer
  • Datum:01-03-2003

Summary of a study commissioned by Fietsberaad into how children travel to their primary schools and how and why parents may accompany them.


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  • Almost half of all transport to school (49%) occurs by bicycle. Over one-third of the children (37%) walk and 14% travel by car. Children that walk or cycle are accompanied by an adult in slightly more than half of all cases.
    Whether children travel to school accompanied or independently, depends on characteristics of the child, the parents or caretakers (the respondent) and the school.


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