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Utrecht plans to remove abandoned bikes also outside of the city centre

Utrecht plans to remove abandoned bikes also outside of the city centre

  • Soort:Nieuws Fietsberaad
  • Datum:11-04-2013

The city of Utrecht will start organising clear-up operations beyond the city centre, in order to help residential areas en outlying shopping areas towards the efficient use of bicycle parking space. Furthermore, it will become easier to get a car parking place designated for a bicycle stand or for a mobile metal bike storage unit (called a “drum”). Thus the municipality wants to reduce bicycle theft close to home.

The removal of abandoned bikes which don’t seem to have an owner, after 28 days of inactivity, is now done only in the Railway Station area and in the inner city. During 2012, some 3.700 of such bikes were removed. City council now authorised the removal of abandoned bikes throughout the entire municipality. The emphasis will be on residential areas which are inconvenienced by an overload of (parked) bicycles. In order to make bicycle parking spots available for more use, the limit in the number of days one can leave a bike parked continuously around all stations and in the pedestrian area in the inner city will be reduced to 14 days. The city will also experiment with other forms of bike parking - for instance by creating bike parking spaces in the street using simple road markings without placing additional attachment fixtures. This is done in Amsterdam as well.


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